The ERC20 Incentive is an essential protocol incentive that allows for the distribution of native and ERC-20 assets, supporting raffle functionality as well as basic fixed rewards. On Boost creation, a predetermined amount of the specified asset is transferred into this incentive from the associated budget.

The Boost V2 Docs are under active development and will be subject to changes.

Key Features

  • Supports native assets as well as any ERC20
  • Rewards fixed at time of creation
  • Raffle functionality, with full incentive balance going to random claimant

Unlike budgets, allowlists, and validators, incentives cannot be re-used between multiple Boosts.

Create a new ERC20Incentive

import { BoostCore } from '@boostxyz/sdk/BoostCore'
import { StrategyType } from '@boostxyz/sdk/claiming'
import { config } from "./config";

const core = new BoostCore({ config });

await core.createBoost({
  maxParticipants: 10n,
  incentives: [
      asset: '0xERC20' || zeroAddress, // use zero address for native assets
      reward: parseEther("1"), // how much to distribute on each claim, with the RAFFLE stratgy, the total reward is `parseEther("1") * limit`
      limit: 10n, // how many times can this incentive be claimed
      strategy: StrategyType.POOL || StrategyType.RAFFLE,
      manager: budget.assertValidAddress(),

Get an existing ERC20Incentive

// if an incentive address is known, directly construct it
const incentive = core.ERC20Incentive("0xc55F719709bDad022B320E76f9DfF7e6F5680767")

// or if you want a budget from a specific chain
const incentiveOnBase = core.ERC20Incentive(
  { chainId: 8453 }

// or accessible off of a a pre-exiting Boost
const boost = await core.getBoost(0n)
const incentive = boost.incentives.find(incentive => incentive instanceof ERC20Incentive)