The Boost API allows you to fetch and filter boosts through the GET /boosts endpoint.

Basic Usage

Fetch all boosts with no filters:

const response = await fetch(
const { boosts } = await response.json();

For complete API details including all available parameters and response fields, see the API Reference.

Filtering Boosts

The owner represents the address that initiated the boost deployment through a budget account.

You can filter boosts using various parameters:

  • chainId: Filter by specific blockchain network
  • owner: Filter by the address that deployed the boost
  • budgetAccount: Filter by specific budget account

Example using multiple filters:

const params = new URLSearchParams({
  owner: '0x1234...',
  chainId: '8453', // Base
  budgetAccount: '0x5678...'

const response = await fetch(
const { boosts } = await response.json();


The maximum page size is 100 items.

The endpoint uses simple pagination through page and pageSize parameters. Here’s how to fetch all boosts:

async function fetchAllBoosts() {
  const pageSize = 20;  // Adjust based on your needs (max 100)
  let currentPage = 1;
  let allBoosts = [];
  while (true) {
    const params = new URLSearchParams({
      page: currentPage.toString(),
      pageSize: pageSize.toString()

    const response = await fetch(
    const { boosts } = await response.json();
    // When the API returns an empty boosts array, we've fetched all boosts
    if (!boosts || boosts.length === 0) {
    allBoosts = [...allBoosts, ...boosts];

  return allBoosts;