The Boost API allows you to fetch the claim history for a specific boost through the GET /boosts/:id/activity endpoint.

Basic Usage

Fetch the activity history for a specific boost:

const boostId = '8453:0x378632819f39c74c4f56b1429e760739c5fb51b7:12';
const response = await fetch(
const { activityEvents } = await response.json();

For complete API details including all available parameters and response fields, see the API Reference.

Response Structure

The response includes:

  • activityEvents: Array of claim events
  • totalActivityCount: Total number of claims made on this boost
// Example response structure
    "activityEvents": [
            "claimant": "0xB0057...", // Address that claimed the incentive
            "blockTimestamp": "1731373464",
            "txHash": "0x2dfc8f...", // Transaction hash of the claim
            "incentives": [
                    "type": "ERC20Incentive",
                    "asset": "0xf3b2d...", // Token address
                    "limit": "10",
                    "reward": "500000000000000000",
                    "strategy": 0,
                    "totalAmountClaimed": "",
                    "totalClaims": "1"
    "totalActivityCount": 1


The API returns an empty array when there are no more activity events to fetch.

The endpoint supports pagination similar to the boost list endpoint:

const params = new URLSearchParams({
  page: '1',
  pageSize: '20'  // Adjust based on your needs (max 100)

const response = await fetch(
const { activityEvents } = await response.json();