Get Boosts
Retrieve a list of Boosts, optionally filtering by owner, budget, chain ID, and more.
Query Parameters
Ethereum address of budget account
Ethereum address of owner
Chain ID to filter by
x > 1
x > 1
Response containing list of boosts and total count
Array of boost objects
The Boost's chain id and stringified bigint index separated by a colon
Contract address where the boost action is implemented
Configuration for controlling who can participate in the boost
Address of the allow list owner/administrator
Address of the allow list contract
Type of list - either allowing specific addresses or denying specific addresses
, SimpleDenyList
List of addresses that are either allowed or denied
Number of incentives configured for this boost
Address of the boost creator/owner
Address of the validator contract
Timestamp of the block when the boost was created
Array of steps required to complete the boost
ID of the blockchain network where this step occurs
Address of the user performing the action
Function or event signature to verify the action
Human-readable name of the signature
Whether the signature is for an event or function call
, function
Type identifier for the action being performed
Address of the contract where the action occurs
Configuration parameters for the action step
Type of filter to apply to the action data
Type of field being filtered
Index of the field in the action data
Data used for filtering the action
Array of rewards offered for completing the boost
Identifies this as an allow list incentive type
Address of the allow list contract
Maximum number of addresses that can be added to the allow list
Maximum number of users who can participate in the boost
Map of chain IDs to block numbers when the boost was created
Sequential index of the boost within the contract
Address of the contract handling boost rewards
Transaction hash of the boost creation
ID of the blockchain network where the boost is deployed
Fee charged by the protocol for the boost
Fee allocated for referrals
Total number of boosts available