boost overview

The Boost Protocol is a distributed incentives network

With Boost, any wallet can deploy incentive offers targeting other wallets to perform onchain actions.

Why Boost?

Reward systems and programs are the backbone of the biggest consumer industries today, like food, retail, travel and hospitality. They play a critical role to incentivize customers to drive new and return sales. However, the ‘walled garden’ nature of these systems often limit the full utility and interoperability of rewards. Most of all, it lacks transparency in how the centralized issuers capture and distribute value back to customers. As a result, consumers are often left with the short end of the stick and lowered brand trust.

centralized reward system

Centralized Reward Systems

Similarly in web3, incentive programs like retroactive airdrops, quests, grants or liquidity mining rewards have become an important part of what makes the industry thrive. But between the high coordination efforts, substantial capital requirement and need for specialized skills, these complex incentive strategies can often bog down the process to get to market fast, which is critical in crypto.

Boost removes the complexity by offering the most light-weight, but impactful way to incentivize users to complete any onchain action. Get fast results for any objective within minutes, not days or weeks.

Some other benefits of Boost include:

  • Fair and aligned incentives: To create a sustainable network that brings value to everyone, all protocol revenue generated is distributed and shared among network participants, including the reward issuer, recipient and affiliates. There are no third-party gatekeepers.
  • Transparent: All boost transactions can be verified onchain, making it easy for anyone to publicly verify, audit and analyze results.
  • Configurable: Boosts can be configured by action and audience so that you can get specific about the onchain action and desired target audience you’d like to incentivize.

Today, Boost Protocol is sufficiently decentralized but will continue on the path to progressive reach full decentralization.

decentralized reward system

Decentralized Reward System

Key contributors

To drive growth and adoption of Boost, there are several key contributors in the ecosystem:

  • Boost Studios: A team of core contributors providing product and services support to Boost Protocol to drive growth and adoption. Its main areas of focus are software development, grant execution and supporting other protocols using Boost.
  • Boost Issuers: Any wallet address that deploys a boost to incentivize other wallet addresses to perform onchain actions.
  • Boost Recipients: Any wallet address that receives the targeted incentive offer and completes the onchain action to earn token rewards.
  • Boost Affiliates: Any wallet address that refers and drives new or existing boost recipients to transact and earn on boosts.
  • Boost Clients: Any frontend application configured to display boosts to users and allow users to complete boosts and claim rewards.
  • Boost Developers: Anyone that builds on Boost Protocol using the Boost Plugin, SDK or API.
  • Boost Guild members: A coalition of community stakeholders that govern Boost Protocol by making decisions on treasury funds and other protocol operations.