Boost is an open-source protocol that anyone can access and build on to deploy and distribute incentives. The Boost SDK is a set of developer tools and resources designed to make it easy. This section outlines the tools available in the Boost SDK and what you can build.

Boost Client SDK

The Boost Client SDK makes it easy to leverage Boost’s functionality to create a custom frontend application. The main Boost App is an example of a Boost Client that will soon be open-sourced.

Further documentation coming soon!

Boost API

Embedding boosts into your native application is an easy way to boost the user experience and reward your users where they are. With just a few lines of code, you can retrieve boost details and embed it into your platform for users to easily discover and access incentive offers. This also enables you to earn a share of the revenue as a Boost Affiliate.

Boost API Docs

Learn more about the Boost Public API and how to implement it