The ERC20 Pegged Incentive is a specialized protocol incentive that allows for the distribution of ERC-20 assets with rewards pegged to the value of another token. This enables creating rewards that maintain a specific value relative to a pegged asset. When users claim rewards, they receive an amount of the reward token equivalent in value to the pegged amount.

The Boost V2 Docs are under active development and will be subject to changes.

Key Features

  • Rewards pegged to the value of another token (e.g., USDC) or native chain token (e.g., ETH)
  • Dynamic reward amounts based on current price ratios
  • Supports any ERC20 token as the reward asset
  • Total distribution limit in reward asset tokens
  • Managed access for incentive control and clawbacks

Unlike budgets, allowlists, and validators, incentives cannot be re-used between multiple Boosts.

To peg rewards to the chain’s native token (e.g., ETH), use zeroAddress (0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000) as the peg parameter. This tells the protocol to use the native token’s price for calculations.

Create a new ERC20PeggedIncentive

import { BoostCore } from '@boostxyz/sdk/BoostCore'
import { config } from "./config";
import { parseUnits, zeroAddress } from 'viem'

const core = new BoostCore({ config });

await core.createBoost({
  maxParticipants: 10n,
  incentives: [
      asset: '0xRewardToken', // token that will be distributed
      peg: '0xPeggedToken' || zeroAddress, // token to peg the reward value to (e.g., USDC or ETH)
      reward: parseUnits("1", 6), // amount in pegged token value (e.g., 1 USDC worth)
      limit: parseUnits("1000", 18), // maximum total amount of asset token (in wei) that can be distributed as rewards
      manager: "0xManager", // address with administrative control over the incentive

The manager parameter specifies an address that has administrative control over the incentive. This address can perform management operations like triggering clawbacks of undistributed rewards if needed.

Get an existing ERC20PeggedIncentive

// if an incentive address is known, directly construct it
const incentive = core.ERC20PeggedIncentive("0xc55F719709bDad022B320E76f9DfF7e6F5680767")

// or if you want a budget from a specific chain
const incentiveOnBase = core.ERC20PeggedIncentive(
  { chainId: 8453 }

// or accessible off of a a pre-exiting Boost
const boost = await core.getBoost(0n)
const incentive = boost.incentives.find((incentive) => incentive instanceof ERC20PeggedIncentive)