Boost Protocol relies on the contributions of several network participants to function and grow. It needs individuals to issue incentives, earn rewards and spread the word–but each relies on the other to thrive and succeed. By sharing revenue, all participants are incentivized to continue contributing, driving healthy and sustainable growth for the protocol. The following is an overview of how the protocol fees are distributed back to all participants.

Fee Split

To ensure the sustainability and continued development of Boost Protocol, Boost Issuers are required to deposit an additional 5% of the total token amount of the boost incentive being deployed. Half of this amount is distributed to the Boost Guild to reinvest back into Boost Protocol, and the other half is distributed to the Boost Affiliates. Any unused fees to affiliates will go back to the Boost Issuer.

Network ParticipantReward Distributed
Boost Affiliate50% of the protocol fee (unused amounts will go back to Boost Issuers)
Boost Guild50% of the protocol fee

While the protocol takes fees and generates revenue, all the funds are reinvested back into the protocol through the Boost Guild Treasury. It is governed by the Boost Guild, a coalition of community stakeholders that make proposals and votes on how treasury funds should be used to drive further growth and adoption.

Total Rewards Summary

Collectively each role earns the following rewards:

Network ParticipantReward Distributed
Boost RecipientBoost reward amount
Boost Affiliate0% or 2.5% of the reward amount per boost transaction (unused amounts will go back to Boost Issuers)
Boost Guild2.5% of the reward amount per boost transaction